  • Introduce the Wakelet to your students: Begin by introducing the Wakelet to your students. Explain what it is and how you intend to use it in class. You can show students the Wakelet and give them a quick rundown of the resources included.

For example: Sign up for free at www.wakelet.com. Install the browser extension to save content easily to your Wakelet. Create a collection by providing a title, description, background image, cover photo, and visibility setting.

  • Use the Wakelet to guide instruction: You can use the Wakelet to guide your instruction during class. You can display videos, articles, and other multimedia resources relevant to the class topic. Wakelet’s comments feature can also encourage student discussion and engagement.
  • Encourage students to interact with the Wakelet: During the class, encourage students to interact with the Wakelet. For example, you could ask them to add their resources, presentations or research project to the Wakelet or to comment on existing resources.
  • Provide opportunities for collaboration: During the class, use Wakelet as a platform for collaboration. You could, for example, assign students to work in small groups to curate resources on a specific topic and share their Wakelets with the class.
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